Saturday, December 27, 2008


So Jeremy had his interview on the 17th for the Kern County Sheriff's Detention Deputy Trainee. He said that, he thought, it went pretty good. The asked him a few questions and then some scenarios for him to answer. We have been waiting for him to get a post card in the mail...but yesterday some lady called him and said that they wanted him to go to orientation!! :-) Not sure exactly what that means....that's all she said was for orientation on Jan 10th. So I guess in 2 weeks we will find out exactly what that is. I am really hoping that he gets this job, and he was so excited when they called yesterday. It has been a long process applying for this job and just waiting to hear from them. But if he gets the job in the end, it was worth all the waiting.


Amy J said...

Yay! Congrats. Orientation means training, so it sounds like they are pretty much giving him the job! Thats so good for you guys. I miss you as always! Hope you had a good Christmas! Tell Jeremy and baby Jones hi for me!

The Liddells said...

That's so exciting! Congratulations!

Spencer and Aly Larsen said...

yeah. When I worked for the Sheriffs office all they did was call me in for orientation and offered me the job then. COngrats!